Social marketing news

Despite competition, Instagram maintains No. 1 spot for influencer marketing.

Instagram influencer marketing image of a person rolling out some dough.

Instagram continues to uphold the top spot for influencer marketing amid competition from social video app, TikTok.

According to eMarketer, influencer marketing spend on Instagram reached $2231.2 million in July 2022. Followed by YouTube with $948 million, TikTok with $774.8 million and lastly Facebook with $739 million.

More than ever brands are seeking to connect with consumers through influencer marketing as this method is most effective among Gen Z and millennials compared to advertising. This is due to the opinions of influencers affecting the purchase decisions of their followers, Gen Z and millennials are more likely to act.

Although Instagram continues to dominate influencer marketing, TikTok continues to capture a big share of the market and is expected to overtake Facebook by 2024.

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